all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

mardi, septembre 23, 2003

seriously i really wonder how bad days can get. i got home and was flipping through the papers and i came across the tv i decided to check for my beloved JAG. to my horror the stupid starworld just decided to replace tonight's JAG episode which incidentally was supposed to be the season finale with the silly mr world! so much for my consolation of the day..all this misery the vanity of men has caused really really pissed off now my whole week of looking forward to tuesday has come to nothing..seems like a replay of 2 weeks ago when they replaced JAG with party in the park...hmmm maybe i'll just go watch last week's episode that i managed to was a nice one with harm and mac together :) hm haha i just got this funny mail the matrix cow ahahaha the matrix cow well that just cheered me up quite a bit...i seem to be in a slightly better mood now..i owe it to my grandmortal val for sending me that mail and brightening up my day..heh heh well its back to having to wait another week for jag


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all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.